Cute in spanish

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  • What is lindo in spanish
  • English to spanish

  • English to spanish
  • Handsome in spanish
  • Que lindo meaning in english
  • Linda in spanish
  • QuĂ© lindo eres meaning
  • Que lindo meaning in english.

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    Curious about the meaning of “lindo” in Spanish? From its and cultural connotations to its usage in describing physical appearance, objects/places, and expressing affection, this comprehensive guide covers it all.

    Explore , antonyms, idioms, regional variations, and common phrases featuring “lindo.

    Definition of “Lindo” in Spanish

    Literal Meaning

    “Lindo” is a Spanish word that has a versatile range of meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

    Lindo meaning portuguese

    Literally, “lindo” translates to “beautiful” or “pretty” in English. However, its usage goes beyond the superficial aspect of beauty and encompasses a more comprehensive understanding of aesthetics.

    Cultural Connotations

    In Spanish-speaking cultures, “lindo” is not only used to describe physical appearance but also carries cultural connotations.

    It is often associated with positive emotions, such as admiration, affection, and deli

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      what is the opposite of lindo in spanish